How to Reduce Undereye Dark Circles, Puffiness and Fine Lines
While ageing is a privilege, it isn’t always fun! Over the past couple of years, my under-eyes seem to have been on a rapid ageing fast track. While you can tell yourself you are [...]
Acupuncture with Ross J Barr and his incredible calm patches
It was entirely by chance that I ended up having acupuncture with Ross J Barr. The celebrity acupuncturist of choice. We were in London for a few nights and unusually for me, I looked through [...]
Moon Salts– the ultimate relaxation
Having tried Oskia’s Moon Salts I’m now a bath person. When life is busy and anxiety levels are high, or when you’re just in need of a little self-care, Oskia offers a glorious path to [...]
The Potential Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar and the Gut Biome
Vinegar for breakfast anyone? “Have you tried Apple cider Vinegar?” “No!” was the reply. I’d heard of it as part of Victoria Beckham’s routine, but I hadn’t given it another thought. My husband’s friend had [...]
Chocolate! Britain’s New Bean-To-Bar Chocolate Makers
I’m a chocoholic. Always have been, always will be. For most of my life, this has been in a Dairy Milk kind of way. Nothing sophisticated, just super sweet and highly addictive. But, recently there’s [...]
Healthy Manicures at Home with Nailberry
Nailberry – A nailcare revelation Like everyone, I love tidy nails. But, I have nowhere near the patience or the time required for regular manicures. Life requires a low maintenance, high impact approach to [...]
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